Tips to look chic & slim with shorts – Part 1

Shorts, which are totally fashionable this summer, are a versatile staple that can easily be dressed up or down with a shrewd choice of tops and accessories. Plus, even if they are by nature quite an informal garment, when carefully chosen and paired they can be used also for more formal settings still delivering an impeccable outcome. . If you want to get flattering results, though, some caution is necessary in order to achieve a getup that’s sophisticated – while at the same time enhancing your figure. If you wish to make your silhouette look thinner and taller, for instance, it’s better to avoid using contrasting colors for shorts and tops, because this would divide your figure in two, thus making you look shorter. As you can see in the picture below on the left, this is particularly true when picking out tops that are similar, in tone, to your skin tone, as this makes your bust look longer and your legs comparatively shorter. . Conversely, on the right, the choice of colors that have the same hue makes the silhouette look slimmer. An all-white (or light-colored) outfit flatters the silhouette and gives the appearance of a thinner figure. Thanks to the bronzed skin, the legs and arms look thinner, whereas […]

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How to pick out the most flattering swimwear

Warm days are finally here, and last weekend I spent a few days by the sea in a well-known and quite elegant marine locality in Tuscany. I love lazily laying under the sun – aside from being relaxing, it’s also a fun occasion to watch out for which styles happen to be currently “in fashion”, so as to decide which ones are more flattering, and which ones have a poor outcome. One of the first things I realized is that, interestingly enough, contrarily to what happens for other clothing pieces, choosing striking colors and intense hues for your swimwear can enhance the silhouette – whereas pale, pastel tonalities usually have a worse outcome. . This is due to the fact that, if the color of your bathing suit strongly contrasts with your skin tone, the eye only perceives the contrast – it’s kind of distracted by the stark contrast, and any imperfection in your figure will easily go unnoticed. Therefore, wearing bathing suits in bold, vibrant colors, is a safe way to play down any fault. For the same reason, you can have an impeccable and always chic result with white, if your skin is deeply tanned. . Also, cool colors like blue and green work better than warm tones […]

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Tips for healthy & glowing hair

If you want to achieve a chic and impeccable appearance, hair is another key topic. Soft, luscious hair not only will make you look (and feel) more sophisticated, they will also make you feel more beautiful and attractive. Though, having an impeccable head is not always a stress-free job. Wind, pollution, and humidity can turn the most stylish girl into a wild, messy creature in a jiffy. Furthermore, many tools frequently used to achieve a faultless appearance in the short run – such as hair straightener, super-powerful hairdryer, silicone-based products – are not totally risk-free. They can slightly abrade your shiny, voluminous hair little by little, and you realize that you’ve overdone with them when it’s too late – and your hair is irremediably damaged. Don’t forget that, unlike skin, which immediately show the consequences of inappropriate care, hair can show the sign of inappropriate care after years (I learned this lesson the hard way). . Therefore, it’s essential to make use of really strengthening products that will allow you to diminish the damage of more aggressive treatments – and talking by personal experience, the most effective way to achieve this result is henna, along with other herbal masks. Contrarily to what you may think, henna (whose botanical name is Lawsonia Inermis, a […]

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